Are You Prepared for a Flood?

Published by Home Service Stars on

Water Damage specialist

Everyone is excited for spring’s arrival for flowers, warmer weather, and snow to melt.

While it’s exciting to see the snow in your area decrease, it’s also a good time to make sure your house is ready for a potential flood or water damage.

Floods and water damage can occur at anytime due to water piping, home renovations, or seasonal complications. During Spring or Fall is a prime time for flood and water damage to occur due to major weather changes that happen in short amount of times such as temperature increases, snow melting, or seasonal rain storms.

With Spring on the horizon, now is the time to start prepping your house for flood and water damage season.

Water Damage Prevention

There are many things you can do throughout the year to prevent water damage in your house. Completing these steps regularly will help you avoid major flooding throughout your home.

Gutters and Downspouts

Ensure that your home has proper drainage with cleaning your gutters regularly and placing your downspout at least 5 feet away from your home. Poor drainage can weaken your foundation

causing cracks and passage for water to enter your home.

Check Your Roof

Thoroughly assess your roof annually for any cracked, broken or missing shingles that need to be fixed. Leaking roofs can not only cause flooding, but also mold, rotting wood and other hazards to you and your home.

Monitor Your Water Bill

Checking your water bill every month can be the first clue that something is wrong. If your bill drastically increases one month then it is good to determine if someone has been taking extra long showers, or if there is a leak in a pipe that is costing you.

Install a Water Sensor in Your Home

Water detectors can inform you of water presence before it becomes a disaster. These electronic devices that are placed on the floor can sense the smallest amount of moisture before small cracks turn into big problems, saving you time and money.

Read More: Types of Water Damage + How to Fix the Damage

When You Discover a Flood

It is vital that you do not walk in the flooded area, this can cause further damage and poses a major health and safety risk. Always assume that the water is contaminated and it is in contact with an electrical outlet for your safety. It is best to call a professional so they can assess the situation and determine the best way to remove the water.

1) Remove the Standing Water

The first step in recovering from your discovered flood is removing the sanding water. This can be done by a shop vac, water pump, or even by simply using a pail. This should be done as soon as possible to prevent even more damage to the flooring and walls.

2) Drying Out Your Home

Although the standing water is gone, there will still be a lot of moisture in your home. At this time you can take out any furniture or other items you have in the damaged area. Open windows and doors in the house to insure air circulation. Hired professionals will typically bring large fans and dehumidifiers to help speed up the process. Drying out your home can take anywhere from 12 hours to a few weeks depending on the impacted area.

3) Get a Professional Assessment

After all water and moisture has been removed from the affected area of your home, it’s time to get a professional to come and check the damage and estimate any additional repairs that may need to be done. This is a crucial step because damage from the flood can be deeper than surface level. If further maintenance isn’t done after flooding, it can cause more damage to your house and even put your in danger if mold or unstable structures result.

Need to get in touch with a water damage and flooding specialist?

Categories: Water Damage


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